Turistička zajednica Općine Vojnić realizirala je projekt „Edukacija u svrhu podizanja konkurentnosti na turističkom tržištu“ ukupne vrijednosti 6.000,00 eura sredstvima Fonda za turistički nedovoljno razvijena područja i kontinent u 2024. godini u iznosu od 4.652,50 eura, Općine Vojnić u iznosu od 1.000,00 eura, te vlastitim sredstvima od 347,50 eura.
Kroz ovaj projekt održane su 4 obrazovne radionice (Razvoj ruralnih područja turističkom ponudom, Ruralni turizam na OPG-u , Digitalni marketing u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu te Upravljanje odnosima s gostima) koje je vodila predavačica Andrea Horžić, 25.09.2024. i 26.09.2024. u Domu kulture Vojnić, u prostoru Kino dvorane.
The project “Education for the Purpose of Raising Competitiveness in the Tourism Market” implemented
The Tourist Board of the Municipality of Vojnić has implemented the project “Education for the Purpose of Raising Competitiveness in the Tourism Market,” with a total value of €6,000.00. The project was co-financed by the Fund for Tourism in Underdeveloped Areas and Continental Croatia in 2024, with a contribution of €4,652.50, the Municipality of Vojnić contributing €1,000.00, and the Tourist Board’s own funds amounting to €347.50.
As part of this project, four educational workshops were held: Development of Rural Areas through Tourism Offer, Rural Tourism on Family Farms, Digital Marketing in Tourism and Hospitality, and Managing Relations with Guests. The workshops were led by lecturer Andrea Horžić on September 25 and 26, 2024, at the Vojnić Cultural Center, in the Cinema Hall, Andrije Hebranga 2.