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The Tourist Board of the Municipality of Vojnić has joined the project of encouraging the development of sustainable tourism “Croatia naturally yours”, sponsored by the Croatian National Tourist Board and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

Director of the CNTB, mr. sc. Kristjan Staničić made a Decision on the distribution of funds to local tourist boards for the procurement of tree seedlings in 2024 as part of the project “Croatia naturally yours” intended for planting in tourist destinations in order to reduce the carbon footprint created by tourist activity. In this way, Croatia will contribute to the global fulfillment of the goals of the Glasgow Declaration on Forests and Land Use, as well as encouraging the development of sustainable tourism and branding and promoting Croatia as a sustainable destination.

With this decision, and through this project, the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Vojnić received 1,348.29 euros and on 25.10.2024, in cooperation with the Municipality of Vojnić, Vojnić Elementary School, Zelenila d.o.o. from Karlovac and the local company Vojnić komunalac d.o.o., planted 10 tree seedlings (5 seedlings of Acer platanoides L. – maple jelly and 5 seedlings of Prunus avium (L.) L. – wild cherry) in the yard of the Vojnić Elementary School in the immediate vicinity of the center of the municipality of Vojnić.

When choosing tree seedlings, autochthonous species that grow in our area were taken into account, according to the list of the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb.
Each seedling is marked with the label “Croatia naturally yours”, and entered into the “Map my tree” planting monitoring application of the European Environment Agency. (

During the planting of the trees, we were also visited by the students of the Vojnić Elementary School. During schooling and growing up, students will monitor the growth and development of the planted trees, notice changes in them during the seasons and enjoy its shade during the summer months.
This project is commendable and we will try to continue with this project in the future, through which we will plant trees wherever we can, in order to enable our residents and our tourists and visitors to enjoy walks and recreation during their stay in our municipality, which abounds in natural beauty.












