The area of ​​the Vojnić municipality is rich in natural beauties offering various options for active holiday. Since Petrova gora is one of the most beautiful and best preserved mountain forest landscapes in Croatia, and due to its exceptional landscape value, its central part was protected in 1969. Petrova gora is covered with deep ditches, rich in creeks and numerous springs of drinking water and that is way it is so interesting to nature lovers in all seasons. You can actively relax by cycling on bike paths that lead you through the beautiful scenery, or take the historical paths of the educational and hiking trails. Also, for hot summer days you can cool in the rivers Korana, Mrežnica and Kupa.


Petrova gora bike offers six interesting bike routes which differ by length, surface, landscape and complexity. They all start from Hunting Lodge Muljava where you can rent a bike.

Interactive maps of bike routes Petrova gora bike are available on Google maps:


The educational path called “The Roman path”has a circular shape and it is 2,600 meters long. The altitude of the track ranges from 230 to 320 meters. The trail starts and ends at the Hunting Lodge Muljava and passes through a thick forest of beechand oak trees. There are information boards along the path showing general topics of ecology. Along the path there are wooden benches and tables as well as wooden stools in the form of mushrooms. At the information panel with the subject of the biosphere there is a so called “Forest classroom” for field learningfor students. This tour takes about an hour and 15 minutes of an easy walk.


“The King’s path” is an educational trail made for people with special needs, adapted for wheelchair and blind people. The educational path is also interesting for other visitors, especially those with small children and elderly people because of the flat footpath that allows easy walking through the nature without a possibility of injuries. The start is at 200 meters from the Hunting Lodge Muljava and goes to the top of Petrova gora. It is interesting to experience it because you will find out a lot about the forest and also geology, water, climate, trees and forests, the ecosystem and the animal world of Petrova gora from the information boards along the path itself. In addition to each board, there is a translation of the text on Braille’s letter which allows blind people to follow the content. The trail goes along a stream that is 320 meters long and endswith a turning point. There is a small bridge built across the creek. The trail is illuminated by the lights that are adjusted to the natural shape of the space.


The entire Karlovac County is rich with the rivers that are the true refreshment in the hot summer days. In the Vojnić area there are several river beaches. One of them is on the beautiful river Korana, only 12km away from Vojnić (in the Mlakovac village). Thousands of people spend hot summer days swimming in Mrežnica and river Kupa from May to October.


At the Muljava Hunting Lodge, two trails begin and end – Red and Green, which make up the Petrova Gora Mountain Bypass. You can visit each of the trails in 4 hours.
For lovers of peace and greenery, we recommend the Red Trail, which goes along Velika Radonja to the Central Partisan Hospital and returns to Muljava via Magarčevac and Mali Velebit. The route of this trail passes mainly through forests and forest roads.

Red trail (hiking trail 301 and 302): 4 h
301 (KT1) Muljava Hunting Lodge – (KT2) Central Partisan Hospital: 1h 45 min
301 (KT2) Central Partisan Hospital – (KT3) Magarčevac (480m): 1h 15 min
302 (KT3) Magarčevac (480m) – (KT4) Mali Velebit: 30 min
302 (KT4) Mali Velebit – (KT1) Hunting lodge Muljava: 30 min

The green trail begins on the educational trail, continues along the Roman path to the plateau of Petrovac and there it visits historical sites on Veliki and Mali Petrovac, and descends to the King’s Tomb. The trail continues to descend from the top next to the road in the direction of Magarčevac, but before that it connects with the route of the Red Trail and returns to Muljava via Mali Velebit.

Green trail (hiking trail 303 and 302): 4h 30 min
304 (KT1) Muljava Hunting Lodge – (KT5) Roman Road: 45 min
303 (KT5) Roman Road – (KT6) Mali Petrovac – monument (507 m): 1h
303 (KT6) Mali Petrovac – monument – (KT8) Veliki Petrovac – monastery – (KT7) King’s tomb: 1h
303 (KT7) King’s Tomb – (KT4) Mali Velebit: 1h 10 min
302 (KT4) Mali Velebit – (KT1) Hunting lodge Muljava: 30 min
