The Tourist Board of the Municipality of Vojnić has successfully completed the project “Production of Promotional Videos and Photographs for the Presentation of the Tourist Destination Vojnić,” with a total value of €5,500.00. The project was co-financed by the Fund for Tourism in Underdeveloped Areas and Continental Croatia in 2024, with a contribution of €4,652.50. The Municipality of Vojnić contributed €625.00, while the Tourist Board provided €222.50 from its own funds.
As part of this project, we produced a 5-minute promotional video and captured photographs of the tourist attractions of the Municipality of Vojnić. These materials will be used on the websites of the Tourist Board, the Municipality of Vojnić, the official Croatian tourism page, as well as in other presentations, events, brochures, flyers, and manifestations, to showcase the Vojnić area in the best possible way.